Saturday, June 11, 2011

Is it possible for my head to explode?

In addition to reading the majority of the close to 300 posts from this week’s discussion board, I’ve also read another half dozen articles about online teaching while brainstorming and researching ways to develop an OLE of my own. I’ve learned so much this week that my head might explode! As much as I like the idea of completing a class in 5 weeks, I just don’t feel like I can possibly absorb as much as I would like in such a short amount of time. I’ve been giving it my best shot though. Since time seems to be so limited, the article entitled “Time Management Strategies for Online Teaching” stuck out to me. I referred to it several times as I began to draw out a plan for my OLE.

I’ve been amazed at how much time it takes to simply gather materials and come up with adequate assessments. I realize it would likely be easier if I had a classroom of my own. I would have more resources available to me and would be able to pick a concept that I had more experience teaching. Just gathering resources for 3 short modules has taken the better part of 10 hours. I can’t even imagine developing an OLE for an entire semester all at once. It seems like an insurmountable task for a first year teacher.

I decided to create a Google Site for my OLE. I’ve been wanting to learn more about Google Sites and believe that it will fit my needs and the needs of my learners for this particular project. I found some tutorials, webinars and PowerPoints to help me navigate my way through. One of the PowerPoints suggested that I layout the site using a flowchart before I begin to create. That is proving to be a very useful piece of advice.

I am currently in the process of deciding how I want to design my site. I’m doing a lot of brainstorming and concept mapping. I created a practice sandbox Google Site today so that I can experiment a little before I actually create my final site for my OLE. I will continue to absorb as much as I can from my readings, tutorials and discussion board postings so that I can incorporate the new ideas into my own OLE both for now and for the students I hope to one day teach.

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