Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hello Smartphone! Where have you been all my life?

 I recently read an article entitled 10 Ways to Get the Most out of Technology and it motivated me to back up my words with action.  I can't preach "Technology in the Schools" and certainly not "1:1 Handheld Devices for all Students" if I'm not using the very technology I claim to support. I finally broke down and got myself a smartphone last weekend.  WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG?  I don't know how I ever lived without it! 

I continually find myself resistant to change and clinging to my old ways of doing things.  I waited until 2005 to get a cell phone and it was late 2008 before I sent my first text.  I had convinced myself that I didn't need them because I had lived without them my entire life.  That's ridiculous!  I realize this is normal, but I'm frustrating myself.  Technology is amazing and I'm not being as productive as an individual or as useful as an educator if I don't break this pattern. 

I recently discovered dropbox.com.  Another piece of technology I can't believe I ever lived without.  It allows me to have important documents and other files on any device - including my new phone!  Once I begin teaching, I hope to have technology be such a huge part of the teaching and learning that occurs in my classroom that I will ask, "How did schools function without it?"